Feb 12, 2018

For the past 5 years, Nantwich Foodbank have been providing emergency food packs to local families and individuals in crisis. In these difficult times, demand for their support has been growing and they gave out 1,094 3-day packs during 2016.

This year, Nantwich Foodbank need even more support from the local business community, and Afford Bond Accountants have agreed to sponsor them during their fund raising event as a team from Adelaide School in Crewe take on the 3 Peaks Challenge in June over a 24-hour period. Nantwich Foodbank organiser, Paul Stone said: “We are delighted that Afford Bond Nantwich have kindly agreed to make a donation and appreciate their support for our work in the local community.”

Director Gary Greer said: “When Paul approached us, we felt it was important to support this initiative. There are huge changes afoot in our local area at the moment and sometimes the business world needs to give back a little more to those who are vulnerable.”

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