Apr 18, 2017

Our very own Paul Edwards will be a guest speaker at the “Property Investors Network” meeting on Wednesday 19 April 2017 at the Cresta Hotel in Altrincham, Cheshire – 6pm to 9pm.  The tax changes introduced in April fundamentally change the way property investors will be taxed on rental profits.  One option to minimise the effect of the changes is to hold properties in a limited company.  The process of setting up and forming a limited company, if completed correctly, could make significant savings to investors.  There are, however, a multitude of options that need to be considered before launching into a limited company.  All investors and developers need to be made aware of these considerations, to ensure that they are making fully informed decisions on how best to hold their property portfolios.  If you would like to attend a complimentary meeting please register below directly with the PIN team and use the voucher code “Julie”.



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