Capital allowances
We have the skills and expertise to advise clients to ensure maximum tax relief is claimed on commercial property, to reduce the level of annual tax payable.
The eligible embedded capital expenditure, can often be overlooked. At Afford Bond we work with specialist chartered surveyors to ensure all costs are identified and where applicable valid claims made to HMRC.
We have a wide range of clients in the property sector, from builders and contractors to property investors and agents.
An example of one of our commercial property investor clients, has a property portfolio worth in excess of £20 million. Further to the completion of a capital allowances report by our specialist chartered surveyor, the company’s annual corporation tax liability has reduced on average by circa £64,000.
Ready to get started?
Contact us today to find out how Afford Bond can make your life easier.
Call 01270 623731 (Nantwich) - 01625 416380 (Wilmslow)
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